Responsible Use Messaging
The South Park working group of the Outside 285 Partnership developed a communication strategy and collection of media to support partners in their efforts [...]
Outside 285 Guiding Principles
The O285 Guiding Principles document outlines the Outside 285 Regional Partnerships goals, organizational structure, and shared values. The document also describes the Partnership's collaborative [...]
Survey Results
In Spring 2024, the Outside 285 partnership circulated a public survey - the Outside 285 Recreation and Conservation Survey - in order to [...]
Improving the Gill Trail in Cheesman Canyon
The Gill Trail runs along the South Platte River in Cheesman Canyon and provides angler access to Gold Medal waters. Many years of off-trail [...]
COMBA’s Strike Force Hits the Trails
In March 2023, Colorado Parks and Wildlife recently funded a number of non-motorized trail projects in the Outside 285 study area. Outside 285 partners [...]
Outside 285 Projects Awarded Funding
In March 2023, Colorado Parks and Wildlife recently funded a number of non-motorized trail projects in the Outside 285 study area. Outside 285 partners [...]